Special Lecture on Data Science (데이터사이언스 세미나)

Fall 2020(Tue 17:00~18:00 or Wed 09:00~10:00)*

Instructor: Prof. SangKyun Cha (chask@snu.ac.kr), TA: JaeHwan Lim (amethyst@snu.ac.kr)

*The lecture will be given at 17:00 on Tuesday or 9:00 on Wednesday.


This course provides lectures by guest speakers on various areas of data science.


Attendance 100%

After the lecture, you have to submit a summary of the lecture.

If you are absent more than once, you will get a failing grade.

If you are absent for any reason, you must attend another seminar and submit a summary.

매 시간 강의 후 강의 내용을 한 페이지에 요약한 요약문을 제출해야 출석으로 인정이 된다.

1회 결석까지는 허용되며, 2회 이상 결석은 U.

예비군 등 피치 못할 사정으로 빠질 경우 결석 사유서를 제출해야 결석으로 인정되지 않으며, 이러한 결석의 경우 다른 세미나를 듣고 보고서를 제출해야 출석으로 인정된다. 결석 사유서 없이 1회 허용되는 결석의 경우에도 다른 세미나를 듣고 보고서를 제출해야 한다.


  • 9.2(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Prof. Ye-Jin Choi, Professor of University of Washington and Senior Research Manager of Allen Institute for AI , zoom link

  • 9.9(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Dr. Han-Byul Joo, Research scientist at Facebook AI Research(FAIR), zoom link

  • 9.16(Wed) 09:50~10:40*: Dr. John Hennessy, Chairman of Alphabet Inc (Former president of Stanford University)

  • 9.23(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Dr. Johannes Gehrke, Director of Microsoft Research Redmond and Chief Architect of MS Teams zoom link

  • 10.7(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Dr.Jong-soo Park, Research Scientist at Facebook zoom link

  • 10.14(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Dr. Yoon Kim, Research Scientist at MIT-IBM Watson AI lab(to be an assistant professor at MIT) zoom link

  • 10.21(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Prof. Min-Kyung Lee, Professor of the University of Texas at Austin zoom link

  • 10.28(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Dr. Jae-Won Yang, Senior Staff Software Engineer at LinkedIn zoom link

  • 11.4(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Prof. Joo-Hyung Kim, Professor of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign(UIUC) zoom link

  • 11.10(Tue) 17:00~18:00: Prof. Wolfgang Lehner, Professor of Technische Universität Dresden zoom link

  • 11.18(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Dr. Seokhwan Kim, Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Amazon Alexa AI zoom link

  • 11.25(Wed): 09:00~10:00: Dr. Jaehoon Lee, Research Scientist at Google Brain Team zoom link

  • 12.2(Wed): 09:00~10:00: Dr. Youngjin Kim, Senior Research Scientist at Microsoft zoom link

  • 12.9(Wed) 09:00~10:00: Prof. Eunsuk Kang, Professor of Carnegie Mellon University zoom link

  • 12.16(Wed): 09:00~10:30 Dr. Yale Song, Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond zoom link

*9월 16일 매일경제 세계지식포럼[ 존 헤네시 알파벳 회장과의 대담]으로 대체