ERC: Noise in Fluids

 ERC AdG project no. 101053472

Details about aims, members, publications, activities, open positions can be found on the website:

Some mathematical approaches to climate change and its impacts

PRIN-PNRR project no. P20225SP98

A national project between the Universities of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome La Sapienza, L'Aquila and the Scuola Normale Superiore, with PI Piermarco Cannarsa in Rome Tor Vergata.

Noise in fluid dynamics and related models

PRIN project no. 20222YRYSP

A national project between the the Scuola Normale Superiore and the Universities of Pisa and Pavia, with PI Franco Flandoli.
A web page is under construction. 

Teorie e strumenti per la transizione ecologica

Profili filosofici, etici e giuridici relativi alle sfide di sostenibilità del carbon budget

MUR PRO3 2021-23 Project 

A project between Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore and IUSS in Pavia.