Middle School

Promoting the lifetime love of reading is one of the most important task of the middle school teachers. Through pleasure reading middle school students have opportunities to apply skills to meaningful contexts, build general and content specific knowledge, experience fluency with connected text and most specifically develop lifetime reading habit.

Checkout these helpful tips to improve your reading when you are in 'Middle School':

  • Improve your vocabulary to understand the text that you are reading. If you struggle a lot to understand the meaning of the text, reading become task.
  • Ask your parents or request teachers to read a book with you. Multiple studies suggest that children model their out-of-school reading habits on those of their parents. If parents read at home, discuss favorite books, and recommend books, children are much more likely to engage in similar behavior.
  • Take reading as fun, pick up books of your choice. Read them enthusiastically to know something new. It's also important to try various genres and texts such as graphic novels which can promote critical thinking skills and are considered popular amongst teens.
  • Try read-aloud sessions with your friends and family members. Initially you may experience a bit of anxiety but that often disappears as they practice out loud.

Some great read-aloud books include:

[Courtesy: Concordia University:Portland]

Check out middle school library for amazing ebooks especially for middle school students.