Mrs. Strosser's

PE Page


Welcome to Smyrna Elementary Physical Education

Overview of Week - Welcome Back! I am so excited to begin this new school year! Some of you will be in person in the building with me and some of you will be receiving Virtual PE Lessons online. The Virtual PE Lessons can be accessed by clicking on the links below or by clicking on the "RA Link" below. If you click on the "RA Link" you will find all of your Related Arts Resources. (Phys. Ed., Tech Ed., Library, Music, & Art. Look under the Physical Education heading for our fun Physical Education Activities.

This week my virtual students will be completing Mrs. Strosser's Virtual PE Lesson #36. I'd like for you to complete at least five activities and watch the video included. Then tell me 1) what you enjoyed the most and 2) something new that you learned. We will be using Flip Grid for our responses. You will need to use your email for FlipGrid.

Weekly Directions - 6/6-6/10

Mrs. Strosser's Virtual PE Lesson #37

FlipGrid Link VPE #37

Weekly Updates

Google Classroom Resource Center

Use the button below to find links to the materials, resources, assignments, and assessments for Related Arts Virtual Learning.