
Weekly Updates

Tuesday, January 23rd: Mid-Trimester 2

Friday, January 26th: Inservice Day - No School!

Snow Day Information 

In the event of a virtual snow day, this is where students are expected to come to find what they need to do for the day.  

Virtual Day Schedule:

9:00 - 9:30 - Morning Meeting check-in to go over expectations for the day: zoom link (password is QCpQ72 )

9:35 - 10:05 - Reading MTSS (Read two IRLA steps via books from school OR ARC bookshelf)

Link to Mrs. Massey's session IF your child usually goes with her:  zoom link (password is Reading)

10:15 - 11:15 - Reading (work on Reading Google slides in Google Classroom, located under the "Virtual Snow Day" tab)

11:20 - 12:20 - Lunch/Recess (Take a break, relax, enjoy some yummy food)

12:35 - 1:20 - Related Arts 

Monday: Art (zoom link)

Tuesday: Library (zoom link)

Wednesday: Music (zoom link)

Thursday: P.E. (Google Classroom code: zurvsf3 )

Friday: S.E.L. (zoom link) 

1:30 - 2:15 -  Math (work on Math Google slides in Google Classroom, located under the "Virtual Snow Day" tab)

2:00 - Link to Mrs. Musto's session IF your child usually goes with her: zoom link (password is math)

2:15 - 2:45 - Math Workplaces (please play at least 3 of the following games during this time): 

Doubles Plus or Minus One

Tower Race

Cats & Mice

Fifty or Bust!

The Frog Jump Game

Super Frogs

2:45 - 3:15 - Science 

(Explore the videos on the Science Google Slides in Google Classroom, located under the "Virtual Snow Day" tab)