Frequently Asked Questions

Do I qualify for Cooperative Education (Work Experience)?

To qualify for Cooperative Education, you must be working AND have a supervisor who is willing to monitor your progress throughout the semester, to sign your monthly reports verifying the hours you worked, and to speak with Mrs. Montooth, who will come to the job site to check up on your progress. 

Self-employed students can participate. You will need someone who can serve in a supervisory role. Please speak to Mrs. Montooth as soon as possible to identify someone suitable.


How do I enroll in Cooperative Education?

You may enroll in Work Experience by enrolling at Palomar College and completing a Special Admission Approval (also known as the K-12) form and the CCAP Agreement Form. The forms must then be turned into the Future Center or Mrs. Montooth via email (scan and email to sara.montooth@smusd.org). *See "How do I Sign up?" section tab above 

Can I take this class if I don't have a job? 

Yes! If you have a NON-Paid Internship at ONE specific place/organization, and complete at least 180 hours for the semester, than you qualify to take the class. 


Can I drop a MHHS class if I take Cooperative Education?

Depending on your graduation status, you MAY be able to drop a class. Please contact your School Counselor for further clarification.

 Does this class transfer?

YES! Credits transfer to Palomar College or CSU campuses for elective credit (as well as elective credit at MHHS). This class is a DUAL ENROLLMENT CLASS.

How many times a week does the class meet? 

Students are not required to "attend" a class, but are required to check in (via email or Remind) with the instructor once a month. Students must attend the orientation. Students who do not complete the orientation will be dropped from the class.


What if I get laid off or am not getting enough hours? 

Please contact Mrs. Montooth immediately. (sara.montooth@smusd.org)


What if I want to drop the class? 

Please contact Mrs. Montooth immediately. (sara.montooth@smusd.org) Please become familiar with the important Spring dates below.

Drop Deadlines for Spring: 

No Notation=2/11/24 and W=3/24/24 and P/NP=5/25/24

Pass/No Pass: Students can switch from letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) to Pass/No Pass (P/NP) up to the last day of instruction for the class.

Submit the form to Admissions at any Palomar Campus or via email to admissions@palomar.edu from the student’s Palomar student email. 

LINK TO FORM: Pass-No-Pass-PDF-2020.pdf (palomar.edu)