Community College

(Concurrent Enrollment)

Are you interested in taking a community college course?

If so, our local community colleges have created an opportunity for our students to participate in what is known as Concurrent Enrollment. This provides students with the option to take college courses throughout different semesters/quarters at the community college with your high school counselor approval.

What is Concurrent Enrollment?

This program allows high school students to be enrolled in two schools simultaneously. Generally, it refers to high school students taking a community college class. While most students access this during the summer, some students may choose to also take a class during the fall or spring semester.

Will I receive credit for Concurrent Enrollment or Dual Enrollment classes?

Yes.  All 3 unit classes equal to 5 high school elective credits.  All 4-5 unit classes equal 10 high school elective credits. Students will also receive college credit.

What costs are covered? 

Tuition is covered but all other expenses such as class materials, books, and transportation are not included. 

Are courses online or in person? 

The type of class setting is set by the college. Make sure to review how the class will be taught in the Class Schedule before registering. 

Is there a grade level requirement?  

The grade level requirement for Concurrent Enrollment is site specific depending on the college.

What are the main differences between Concurrent Enrollment & Dual Enrollment? 

What are the steps towards engaging in Concurrent Enrollment?

Which Community Colleges participate in Concurrent Enrollment?

You can take a class at any community college. The closest to MHHS are: