Managing Stress & Mental Health

Counselling Services on University Campuses

The first year of university can sometimes be overwhelming and bring many emotions. All universities are well equipped with student counselling centers, providing a wide range of services for students. Many student counselling centers also have specific resources for families of current students. Click on any the photos below for examples of resources available for families.

Living Away from Home for the First Time

Filled with feelings of warmth and incredible pride when your child graduates high school, you may also be experiencing a sense of fear and sadness. While your teenager may already be planning their first days of classes, ready to embrace their new journey, you might find yourself worrying about what lies ahead in this new experience for both you and your teenager. Check out the resources below for great tips on supporting your child's launch from home.

21 Tips every first-year student should know -

Advice for Parents and Guardians of College Students - 6 Pieces of First-year Wisdom

COVID-19 Impacts on Students' Mental Health

As your teenager approaches graduation and moving onto their post-secondary experience there are going to be a lot of changes in their life. The after high school adjustment period can be challenging, and filled with stressful events during the transition into new situations and environments. First year students have a lot of variables to adjust to and COVID-19 has added a significant layer of challenge to their high school experience. Universities are acutely aware of how the pandemic has impacted student life and learning, and are working to support students in the transition to post-secondary.

What do parents of past grads say?

"Even though students may come across as more distant and less communicative when they move away, they still want to hear about home and younger siblings, so keep communicating even if it seems one-way!"

"Enjoy every moment with them because you will miss them like crazy and wish you had spent more time just hanging out with them. "

"Don't ask too many questions.... just listen."