Wrought Emotions

After a detailed study of human form and proportions, Art 10 students created these androgynous, exaggerated human figures out of wire/pipe armatures, paper and plaster.

The style of the figures was inspired by sculptor Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) who crafted elongated figures out of metals, often bronze. Each student recreated this look with black and then hand painted a simulated “patina” out of acrylic paints.

Their challenge, beyond the construction, stability and final effect of the sculpture, was to have the pose of the figure evoke an emotion.

Defeat by Jenna

Perseverance by Dawn

Sorrow by Lauren

Calm by Alastair

Distress by Ella

Eerie by Jojo

Anguish by Elayna

Panic by Rebecca

Vulnerable by Skye

Anger by Heather

Terror by Maya

Fear by Talia

Joy by Jamie

Panic by Evelyn

Panic by Avery

Shame by Carter

Rage by Benny

Determination by Bryson

Free by Nora

Tranquil by Lucy

Ridin' by Mayuko

Untitled by Ravi