Mills SAIL Freshman Advisory

What is SAIL?

This isn't just a class, we are changing the freshman student experience at Mills to provide better transition from middle school to high school.

“WHAT if...Mills could create a Freshman Experience that is fun and allows students to become their best self while adjusting to how hard High School can be?”

All students receive an Advisory period for elective credit. 40.0 Elective credits are required for graduation.

Students in the SAIL program share 9th grade teachers for their core courses. But, still have some classes outside of the SAIL program such as PE, World Language or another Arts (VAPA) or CTE elective.

What Does A Sample SAIL Schedule Look Like?

Period 1: SAIL Advisory

Period 2: Biology

Period 3: Algebra

Period 4: English

Period 5: Health or Ethnic Studies

Period 6: Elective or Foreign Language

Period 7: PE