Work Hard, be Kind, and Smile!

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Welcome from our Principal

Wherever God Places, God Graces.” - Msgr. Royal

Dear SMS Parents and Prospective Parents,

Last June, as I sat at my daughter Brooke’s 8th grade graduation from Saint Mary School, Monsignor Royal spoke the words above, and those words have stayed with me. Over the past three years of my journey at St. Catherine of Siena School in Trumbull, I have always prayed for the grace to do my job well and to serve the children and the community to the best of my ability. Now as I excitedly rejoin the Saint Mary School community, I am praying for the same grace, and I hope that you too will keep me in your prayers as we all make this transition.

I write this message to you today in hopes that it will help you come to know me. I feel that it is so important to know each child and family. That is what makes the Saint Mary School community so special. I look forward to knowing each of you and your children in the coming months.