Starr's Mill High School PTSO

Engage in our school community

Your time and membership have a big impact on our school!

What does PTSO do?

The Starr's Mill PTSO is a community of parents, teachers, and students who work together to provide resources and support to the faculty and students of Starr's Mill High School. Our organization is dedicated to enhancing the academic experience of our students by promoting a culture of excellence and providing resources that enable our teachers and staff to succeed. 

We achieve this by harnessing the power of our membership through volunteer efforts and active participation in our initiatives. By becoming a member of the PTSO and actively participating in our initiatives, families can play an essential role in enhancing the educational experience at our school.

Your PTSO contributions help fund the following:


Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay informed!

PTSO Membership

One $40 family membership covers everyone in your family for the school year.  Thank you for your membership and participation!  

Locker rentals  - $5 each 

Note: If you purchase a locker rental, please bring your paper receipt, screenshot, or electronic receipt - with student name(s) visible on it - to the school to reflect payment was made to select your locker

Transactions fees apply for online purchase to cover our cost - $2 for membership, $.50 per locker

We can use your help!

Last year our volunteers donated over 3000 hours of their time.  We always need help even one hour goes a long way to meeting our goals!

You can benefit the PTSO when you shop at no additional cost to you!

Update your online accounts to benefit Starr's Mill High School...


Select "Starr's Mill High School PTSO" as the organization you'd like to support in the Kroger Community Rewards Program.

Be sure to scan your Kroger card, enter your phone number at the checkout, or shop on your Kroger app to provide credit to Starr's Mill for your purchases.


Select "Starr's Mill High School PTSO" as the Publix Partner you'd like to support in the Publix Loyalty Program - your participation must be updated each year in July. Visit this site to view updates on support to date.

Be sure to enter your phone number at the checkout or pay through your Publix app to provide credit to Starr's Mill for your purchases.

PTSO Volunteer Board 2024-25

Executive Board

President:   Alicia Kellum
1st Vice President, Academic Enrichment:   Kristen Burgess
2nd Vice President, Membership:   Adriane Kovar-Oifoh
Treasurer:   Nicole Norris
Secretary:   Maria Morrow

Committee Chairs

Teacher Appreciation:   Natalie Kaiser
Volunteer Coordinator:   Ring Jiang
Social Media:   Chrissy Stanek
Scholarships:   Joy Gatson

The PTSO typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month (except in December) at 7:00 pm. Anyone is welcome to attend! 
Contact us at if you have any questions or comments

PTSO By Laws