An Introduction to Online Safety for Parents

Welcome to our online safety for parents website!

We hope you will find a lot of useful information about the technology that is available to children at the moment. Within the site we have included information on social media and online gaming. Whilst these are not accessible at school and generally do come with an age rating that exceeds the age of primary school children, we are aware that a number of children are using them so feel it is important to include key information to help parents keep their children safe online.

The following short clips have been produced for parents by the South West Grid for Learning, leading experts in e-safety. The fourth clip is perhaps the most important one to watch as it gives some positive actions which can be taken towards keeping your child safe online.

If you have any questions or concerns which are not answered here please feel free to contact school directly or speak to your child's class teacher and we will be able to help you.
