
In US History 8 we look at the history of the United States from the creation of the colonies in America to the end of the Civil War

Fall Semester

Unit 1 - Colonies

Why and how did Europeans create towns in America? What effect did this have?

Unit 2 - Revolution

Why and how did the British colonies in America break away from Britain?

Unit 3 - Constitution

Why was the US Constitution created and how does it work?

Spring Semester

Unit 4 - Political Parties

How did Political Parties influence the first 7 presidents of the nation?

Unit 5 - Manifest Destiny

How did America grow its territory and what effect did that have?

Unit 6 - Civil War

How did slavery begin, how did that lead to war, and what were its effects?

Syllabus & Schedule

Syllabus Fall 2021 Rowe US History

Fall Syllabus

This syllabus is subject to change

Syllabus Spring 2021 2022 Rowe US History

Spring Syllabus

This syllabus is subject to change