Health & Social Care

Health and Social care is a Level 2 qualification. It is an exciting, hands on, vocational course that allows you to get your teeth into everything to do with real life situations. Since I started to teach the course my main goal was to make each experience a student has as close to real life as possible, which we have achieved.

We have regular visitors come into school to tell you about their roles and jobs, including people from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Lily, Dementia UK, UEA, etc. We also take students to various locations on visits such as to local care homes, primary schools, nurseries and the hospital. As well as these real life experiences in different locations and situations, we offer other qualifications as part of the course (such as the First Aid Qualification; online First Aid refresher; Health and Safety courses, such as Food Hygiene, etc.) which can also all be used as part of other aspects of the students' co-curricular activities, such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE). 

EVERYTHING that is taught in Health and Social Care is important to everyday life, both in the work place and outside, making this course ideal for anyone!

Health and Social Care is a course that you can select as an option subject, at the end of Year 9, to study at GCSE level. It is specifically designed for those who wish to pursue a career in health, social and early years sectors, for example nursing, caring or working with nursery age children.

Staff teaching the course: Ms A Moat (

About the course...

Health and Social Care has been taught at Smithdon for many years. You would be taught the OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care which consists of two mandatory units and one optional units

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Mandatory Units

You will have to study both of these units.

R032: Principles of care in health and social care settings

This unit is assessed by an exam.

In this unit you will learn about the key topics that are important when caring for and protecting people in health and social care. 

Topics include:

R033: Supporting individuals through life events

This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment.

In this unit you will learn about growth and development through the life stages. You will also learn how to understand the needs of individuals who have been affected by life events and how to recommend support to meet their needs.

Topics include:

Optional Units

You will study one of these units based on cohort strength, resources and teacher specialism.

R034: Creative and therapeutic activities

This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment.

In this unit you will research therapies and learn about how they can benefit people. You will also learn about the benefits of creative activities and you will plan and deliver a creative activity to a group or individual. 

Topics include:

R035: Health promotion campaigns

This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment.

In this unit you will research health promotion campaigns and learn about their benefits to society. You will also plan and deliver your own health promotion campaign. 

Topics include:


All results are awarded on the following scale:

Level 2 – Distinction* (*2), Distinction (D2), Merit (M2), Pass (P2)

Level 1 – Distinction (D1), Merit (M1), Pass (P1) and Fail/Unclassified.