Key Stage 4

Please click on the drop down arrows by each year group for further information.

Year 10

Autumn Term: Careers, CVs and Work Experience Planning

Spring Term: Living in the Wider World, Relationships

Summer Term: Health and Wellbeing, Post 16

Year 11

Year 11’s main focus is the choice of course and application process.

Alongside Unifrog the students are encouraged to look at further education providers both online and via visits. At this stage Unifrog is a fantastic tool to research the opportunities available, whether searches are conducted based on location availability, future career progression or subject preferences is entirely up the student. Further education and apprenticeships are shown.

All year 11’s have direct access to the careers room every lunch time where Miss Fairweather (designated careers lead) is available to discuss any queries or offer guidance or support.

During the Autumn half term year 11 will make their applications through Help You Choose. This process is supported by form tutors and completed during tutor time sessions. However, students will be advised and encouraged to undertake an element of independent research into all aspects of “looking ahead”. Again, Miss Fairweather is available for meetings or individual discussions should additional guidance be needed.