Mrs. Willard 's

5th Grade Class


Mrs. Amy Willard

*Math~Social Studies~Science~*


CLASSTAG: Please refer to ClassTag for updates, announcements, or notifications throughout the school year. This will allow me to notify strictly parents as a whole group of anything when necessary. Through ClassTag, parents are also able to send private messages to other parents and/or the teacher. Additionally, once a parent accepts my invite to ClassTag, anything posted through this program should be automatically forwarded to the parent's email as well to ensure everyone is notified.

GOOGLE CLASSROOM: The Homework/Test Schedule board will be posted daily on Google Classroom. Therefore, all students or parents can access view any and all material that is due the following day or any material needing to be studied for in advance. Students will be required to take notes in class, however, there may be circumstances where notes might be posted in a specific subject in Google Classroom for students to refer to (ex. absentee or if students were not able to finish copying their notes during class).

Grades: Available on

Grades will be available on FACTS, and sign papers will be sent home for parents to sign every Friday. Students are to return the signed papers on Monday. If a student does not return sign papers on Monday, a warning will be given and violation cards will be signed each day thereafter until sign papers have been returned.


All students are given a planner and are responsible to write down assignments in it daily. A copy will be posted in students google classroom as well, however, circumstances may arise so students are to rely on their daily planner for keeping track of assignments on a daily basis. An e-mail will be sent to notify parents each day that students miss their assignment and/or homework.

******As per the student handbook, if a graded assignment is not turned in on the due date, the assignment may be turned the next day with a 20% deduction of 20%. All grades turned in thereafter will result in a zero (0). ********

Discipline Policy and Classroom Rules

Please look over the discipline policy and review it with your child. We have discussed the policy with students on the first day of school. We feel the most important characteristic of our classroom is respect. If respect is our priority, all other classroom rules will fall into place.

Other classroom rules:

1. Enter room quietly and sit down

2. Listen and follow directions.

3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

5. Respect your classmates and your teacher.

6. Record daily homework and test in your planner

7. Follow School Discipline Procedures


1st offense: WARNING

2nd offense: Violation Card Signed


Below is a tentative schedule while we are at the ICCS campus. This schedule is subject to change once we return to SMCS. We are looking forward to a faith-filled, successful school year! Thank you for your commitment to your child’s catholic education and to St. Margaret Catholic School.