Educational Philiosphy

School libraries are an integral part of student learning in the 21st century. “The school library media center is a place where students may explore more fully classroom subjects that interest them, expand their imagination, delve into areas of personal interest, and develop the ability to think clearly, critically, and creatively about the resources they have chosen to read, hear, or view” (AASL, 1990). For this to occur, it is essential that students have a desire to come to the library. The library must be a warm and welcoming environment, rich with literature and technology, and a place students feel safe to explore. I pride myself on developing lessons and activities based upon our curricular standards that cultivate critical thinking, are highly-engaging and hands-on, yet also require students to think outside the box. Therefore, I have spent a lot of time transforming the “traditional” views of a library from the “quiet” place to read to an “active” place filled with inquiring minds who are eager to seek knowledge in a new and exciting way.

The library not only belongs to students but to all stakeholders in the school and community. I believe in creating a partnership with teachers, administrators, and all community members in order to help service everyone's needs. Being available to assist all stakeholders and bringing needed resources to their fingertips is also a vital component to my position.

In a nutshell, I believe...

The library is the “learning hub” of the school.

The library belongs to everyone.

The library is a place to ask questions and seek answers.

The library is a place to foster curiosity.

The library should be full of active learners.

The library needs to evolve and grow with technology and the evolving educational trends.

The media specialists most important job is to help children discover a love for literature.