Elementary Band 

 Band Class times are in the process of being determined.  

Registration links are posted under "Band Enrollment Forms" below.

Required Band Book:  

Essential Elements for Band Book 1/Hal Leonard

Link to the publisher:  https://www.halleonard.com/ee/band/book1.jsp 

The text is available at our local music stores as well as online.  

Please support our local stores whenever possible.

Band Overview.mp4

 Band Enrollment Forms 

Deadline Monday 9/9/24

(Make Sure To Click On the Correct School Link!)

Duke Elementary

Evergreen Elementary

Leonardtown Elementary

"First Night For Band" Optional Information Evening at 

LHS 9/5/24, 6 pm

Listen, learn about, and try playing different instruments!

First Night For Band Flyer - LHS 24-25.pdf

Please Be Sure To Read The Above "First Night For Band" pdf!

Please Note: If choosing to purchase an instrument from Amazon or some other online source,  please be sure it is a reputable brand.  Poor quality instruments impede student progress and only lead to disappointment.  Beware of unconventionally colored instruments such as pink, purple, red, etc.   Recommended Brands: Yamaha, Selmer, Bach, Jupiter, Gemeinhardt, Pearl, Ludwig, Conn, Getzen, King