
Our mission for this program is to develop our athletes into student-athletes who perform first in the classroom and second on the basketball court. We believe that basketball can be used to develop important values and character qualities such as: self-esteem, sportsmanship, loyalty, self-sacrifice, role acceptance, goal setting, team unity, and unselfishness. These traits will help the young people in our program be more successful academically, socially and prepare them for their future. Only by challenging ourselves and working hard can we achieve our goals. Winning itself is not our primary goal, wanting to win in all aspect of life is.

Goals for the Program

  • Develop successful students who understand the value of an education.

  • Develop important life values and character qualities.

  • Encourage participation.

  • Develop and enhance basic basketball skills.

  • Prepare advanced players for higher levels of competition.

  • Increase student’s level of self-esteem through participation.

  • Help players learn role acceptance through team membership.

  • Promote values of sportsmanship in competition.

  • Help players identify with positive role models on the varsity level.

  • Promote enthusiasm for the program.

  • Have fun.

Ltown Girls Basketball Program

Program Guide