General Information

 Media Center Hours 

The media center is open from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday through Friday. K-5 students visit the media center during their scheduled media class time once every week. Middle school students visit the media center with their Language Arts classes or during lunch/recess.

Book Check Out

Each child is permitted to have the following number of books out per grade level:

Kindergarten - 2nd - 2 books

3rd-4th Grades - 3 books 

5th - 3 books

6th- 8th Grades - 4 books

Books are checked out for a two week period. Students may return books during their media class or any school day. Books that are not returned after the two week allotted checkout time are considered overdue.


Media Classes 

Students in grades K-5 visit the media center once a week for a 45 minute class. The first 30 minutes of the class time is devoted to instruction focusing on the areas of technology, research, or literature. The remaining 15 minutes of class are designated for book check-out. Middle school students visit the media center with their Language Arts classes or during lunch/recess to check out books.

Lost/Damaged Materials

Overdue notices inform the student as well as the parent as to when the book was due. These notices are sent home so that the student can receive help in locating the book to be returned. No overdue fines are incurred by the student however if the book is lost or damaged, the replacement cost is listed on the notice to inform the parent as to what the replacement cost would be.


Book donations are greatly appreciated throughout the year. If you would like to donate new titles, we encourage you to browse our Amazon Wish List below!

Media Center Amazon Wish List


Volunteers are always welcome in the media center. Please contact Mrs. Tepel to set up times.