zero Waste: SMC & Community Based Partners

Not sure who your schools waste hauler is? Visit the San Mateo County Zero Waste Community Partners and Haulers Spreadsheet to find your hauler and their contact information. 

Waste in San Mateo County

How does the waste system work in San Mateo County?

San Mateo County school waste management is regulated by the California state agency CalRecycle. CalRecycle has set the state-wide goal of 75% waste diversion from landfills by 2020. To achieve this goal CalRecycle has several mandates in place for that apply to school programs and require recyclables, organics, and edible food to be diverted from landfills. Learn more about California waste mandates in this informative overview document

For most school programs, waste materials (garbage, recycling, and organics) are collected by waste hauler companies and taken to landfills or transfer stations. Additionally, some haulers provide assemblies and educational programs specific to their service area. 

Community Partners

Who can San Mateo County school communities partner with to help them achieve a zero waste school community?

San Mateo County Office of Sustainability- Schools Program: The Office of Sustainability Schools Program (SMCOOS) has a mission to take action to conserve resources and help protect our environment. Programs include: school-wide and grade level assemblies, 4R's grant program, classroom presentations, field trips, technical assistance, and youth mentorship.

Rethink Waste: RethinkWaste is a joint powers authority of twelve public agencies in San Mateo County, California and is a leader in the delivery of innovative waste reduction and recycling programs. Tours of the Shoreway Environmental Center in San Carlos offer students and the community an opportunity to learn firsthand what happens to their recyclables, yard trimmings, food scraps and garbage at a working Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and Transfer Station. Rethink Waste offers programs at no-cost, and no-cost transportation for 3rd-5th grade classes in the service area.

San Mateo County Public Health: Supports schools to implement food share tables to reduce waste from unopened and unbitten school lunch food. The SMC Health Department also has resources for solid waste programs