Energy: Why It Matters and Goals and Strategies

Why Does Energy Matter?

For a printable version visit: Energy Initiatives - Big Picture Goals, Strategies, and Resources

Energy demand is a key piece of an organization’s ecological footprint, as energy is used for heat, lighting, plug loads, cooking, transportation, and more. This demand for energy has environmental, social, and economic impacts. 

Due to all of these negative impacts, It is important that schools make energy decisions that are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions free and sourced from renewables resources. 

And the good news is that making the shift to clean energy is easier than ever and can be done in a school community to reduce the energy related carbon footprint.  

Key Mandates

What are the key mandates and policies related to Energy in California?

Energy Goals and Strategies

What is a reasonable goal for an educational institution to reduce its energy footprint, and what are strategies for achieving this goal?

Goal Example: Achieve Carbon Neutrality for Energy Use by 2025-2030

Carbon neutrality, or having a net zero carbon footprint, refers to achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions for energy use by offsetting emissions or similar eliminating carbon emissions for energy use altogether. 

Conservation and Efficiency

GHG Emissions Free and Renewable Sourcing

Carbon Offsets and Allowances

Get Recognized for taking Action!

There are a number of different programs at the local and state-wide level that will recognize or award your school community for taking action. 

Local Programs

Statewide Programs