For Course Instructors: FAQ

How should I let you know that I have students (individuals or groups) interested in presenting their non-SMP research via the virtual symposium (scheduled to "go live"/be promoted to campus on April 28, 2021)?

Please fill out relevant information [presenter name(s) and titles] for participating projects from your class using the SP21 Research Symposium Planning Spreadsheet (using respective discipline tabs) no later than April 7, 2021.

  • If you don't have the titles until April 12, 2021, that is alright, but so that we know how many sub-pages need to be created for each course, we need to at least know the presentation format your course participants will use and students' and/or group members' names. As much information as you can provide earlier rather than later is much appreciated.

How do I submit presentation files?

Instructors should upload files using the Spring Research Symposium File Submission Form (embedded below) or upload directly to Google Folders on a Shared Drive by Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 12:00 pm. If you need a little more time (e.g., a few students submit them to you late), we understand. Please submit the final files as soon as possible and ideally no later than Monday, April 19, 2021 at 9:00 am. If the title on the submitted final project is different than was originally entered into the planning spreadsheet, faculty should indicate that as an update on the spreadsheet. Just replace the title so they match and highlight the cell yellow so we know to look for it.

Please note: The form will only allow the submission of 10 files of each type per submission, so you may need to complete the form multiple times.

What file format do I need to submit?

File format will depend on what you had your students do to satisfy course project requirements.

  • If they had to create a poster using PPT, you will need to submit two files for each presenter/group: a JPG and a PDF.

  • If they had to create a video of a narrated slideshow recorded via Zoom, you will need to submit one file for each individual/group: an mp4.

  • If they had to create a poster using PPT and create a video of a narrated slideshow recorded via Zoom, you will need to submit three files for each individual/group: a JPG, PDF, and mp4.

Please look carefully at JPGs before uploading them. Sometimes JPGs created from PPTs can look blurry, especially figures and photos. This is usually resolved by creating the JPG from the PDF file.

Is there a standard naming convention?


  • Please name the PDF file as follows: CourseSectionLastnameFirstname.pdf (just use last names if it is a group poster) e.g., PSYC101.01DraheimAngela.pdf, PSYC101.01DraheimFernandezJensen.pdf

  • Please name the JPG file as follows: CourseSectionLastnameFirstname.jpg (just use last names if it is a group poster) e.g., PSYC101.01DraheimAngela.jpg, PSYC101.01DraheimFernandezJensen.jpg

  • Please name the mp4 file as follows: CourseSectionLastnameFirstname.mp4 (just use last names if it is a group poster) e.g., PSYC101.01DraheimAngela.mp4, PSYC101.01DraheimFernandezJensen.mp4