CRRP - Black History 365

“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.”

Pope Francis, June 2020

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To answer the call, "more than a month" consider how the resources on these pages may be used to increase representation of Black people's voices, experiences and achievements in teaching and learning across the year, grades and subjects.

Click here for the Black History Month page where you can find resources specifically for celebrating Black History Month as part of our ongoing equity efforts.

Local Organisations

Making Change

We have a specific focus on raising awareness and educating and exposing people to the Black community, Black culture, and issues around anti-Black racism. We are building community inclusion and togetherness through activities, allyship, participation and discussion.  

Parents of Black Children

Parents of Black Children is an advocacy group working to support families and facilitate equitable outcomes for Black children, through accountability and transformational change. 

UPLift Black

UPlift Black is a social impact agency working to UPlift Black community who live in Simcoe County.  Their work is culturally based and anchored in 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusivity striving to achieve the ultimate goal of racial equality through a conscious and UPLlifted community. 

Shak's World

Shak's World Community Centre uses basketball, innovation, and mentorship as a bridge to youth employment, education, and training. Creating a positive, inclusive and diverse environment in the Barrie Downtown Core.


The Ontario Black History Society (OBHS), is at the forefront in the celebration of Black history and heritage with a demonstrated record in the study, preservation and promotion of Black history in Ontario.

What is the Catholic Church's teaching on discrimination and racism?

Pope Francis tells us, “we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.” Our Christian faith reminds us that all people share in the same dignity and value in the eyes of God, but how can this be so if anti-Black racism exists in society?

In the first century, St. Paul wrote, in his letter to the Christians in Galatia, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." (3:28). Each of us is called to make our own unique, invaluable contribution to our communities, to our country, and to our Church. The diversity of our country is one of its greatest riches. And each of us is called to recognize, confront and end racism in all its forms.

In June of 2020 the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops created a document of some key teachings and statements around discrimination and racism. And they stated, "The denigration of humankind, the denial of God-given rights and of human responsibilities that flow from them, lack of love for one’s neighbour, and the failure to show respect toward others are wholly intolerable; these must always be condemned in the strongest of terms. Racism and discrimination remain an appalling reality for a civilized society."

Resources for CRRP with a focus on Black history and current experiences

Added Jan 2024

This Parents of Black Children Anti-Black Racism Toolkit  helps educators understand how Black students experience the education system. It provides a framework that can be used to adopt inclusive anti-Black racist teaching practices in classrooms. 

Black History Month

Updated Jan 2023

A selection of simple ideas and activities to integrate the contributions, achievements and experiences of Black Canadians

Secondary resources and classroom activities to integrate the contributions, achievements and experiences of Black Canadians

Black History Month Learning Challenges 2021

Updated Jan 2023

Professional learning focussed on anti-racism

Black History Month Books

Updated Jan 2023

A selection of professional texts and classroom texts/media for understanding the contributions, achievements and experiences of Black Canadians

Added Jan 2022

Kayak's Black History in Canada magazine (2022) has articles featuring people who have helped preserve and promote Black history. An updated lesson package for some of the artcles is available here.