Networks and Stochastic Systems Laboratory

Department Of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras - 600 036

Welcome !

The NetSS Laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Madras is headed by Dr. Krishna P Jagannathan (KJ) and currently consists of five PhD's and two MS candidates. The primary research areas of the scholars working in the lab are

  • 5G communications

  • Learning Theory

  • Modelling of Stochastic and Queuing Networks

  • Quantum Information Theory

  • Scheduling in Communication Networks

  • Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks

Recent News

  • S. S. Shree, A. Chatterjee, and K. Jagannathan, "Opinion Differences in Social Networks: Are Opinions Too Far in Finite Time?", Accepted in COMSNETS 2023 Graduate Forum.

  • Jaswanthi Mandalapu, Krishna Jagannathan, “The Classical Capacity of Quantum Jackson Networks with Waiting Time-Dependent Erasures”, Accepted for publication in Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 2022.

  • The poster titled, "Towards Optimizing Capacity of Erasure Queue-Channels", presented by Sushmitha Shree, has won the Best Poster Award at JTG/IEEE ITSoc Summer School 2022.

  • S. S. Shree, Kishore, A. Chatterjee, K. Jagannathan, "Stochastic Bounded Confidence Opinion Dynamics: How Far Apart Do Opinions Drift?", Accepted for publication in COMSNETS 2022 in the main conference track.

  • Amit Anand Jha, Nazal Mohamed, K. Jagannathan, "Collaborative Best Arm Identification in Multi-armed Bandits", Accepted for publication in COMSNETS 2022 in the main conference track.

  • Pawan Poojary, Sharayu Moharir, Krishna Jagannathan, “A Coupon Collector based Approximation for LRU cache hits under Zipf requests”, Accepted for publication in WiOpt 2021.

  • Jaswanthi Mandalapu, Krishna Jagannathan, “The Capacity of Photonic Erasure Channels with Detector Dead Times”, Accepted for publication in NCC 2021.

  • Kumar Ashutosh, Jayakrishnan Nair, Anmol Kagrecha, Krishna Jagannathan, “Bandit algorithms: Letting go of logarithmic regret for statistical robustness”, Selected for oral presentation in AISTATS 2021.

  • Jaswanthi Mandalapu has been selected for the PMRF - Dec 2020 through Lateral Entry channel.

  • Prabha Mandayam, Krishna Jagannathan, Avhishek Chatterjee, "The Classical Capacity of Additive Quantum Queue-Channels", Accepted for publication in JSAIT 2020.

  • Bharati K has been selected for the PMRF - May 2020 through Direct Entry channel.

  • Sushmitha Shree has been selected for the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) - May 2020 through Lateral Entry channel.

  • K. Bharati and M. Palani, "A Scalable Block-Proportional Fair Scheduling Scheme For Multi-Carrier Transmission Systems", Accepted for publication COMSNETS 2021.

  • Prashanth L.A., Krishna Jagannathan, Ravi Kolla, “Concentration bounds for CVaR estimation: The cases of light-tailed and heavy-tailed distributions”, Accepted for publication in ICML 2020.