What is your view on education?

You can view my philosophy of education and my philosophy of special education by clicking the link below.

What time does your class go to lunch?

Our class is dismissed to lunch at 10:55. You can view the lunch menu below.

Do you allow students or parents to bring treats for the class on their birthdays?

Yes, I do allow students and parents to bring in treats for birthdays. However, I must be notified 72 hours in advance AND the treats must be store-bought without peanuts and other ingredients that may cause allergic reactions.

What is the best way to contact you?

The best way to contact me is through my email at katrina.swanson@smail.astate.edu. I will respond at my earliest convenience. Please be aware that I do not check my email often during the school day so if there is a change in pickup or something important, please notify the office at (870) 123-4567.

When are parent-teacher conferences?

Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled every nine weeks. If you feel that you need to schedule another one, other than at these times, please email me.

What are your classroom rules?

My classroom rules can be found by clicking the link below.

How can I stay up to date on class events?

Please click on the link below to view the school information tab. This is where you will find all upcoming class, school, and community events for this school year.

What academic standards do you follow?

All teachers at Wayne Elementary follow the Common Core Standards as well as reference Arkansas State Standards. If you have any questions about the academic standards we use please email me.

What are some educational resources my child can access at home?

Below I have links to some websites for both you and your young learner. Please feel free to notify me if you come across any issue with using these sites or if found them to not be beneficial (I am always happy to have feedback).

My child was absent today. What did they miss?

Before emailing me and asking me this I strongly recommend checking the Homework tab. This is where I update what is due for each day of the month. The link to the Homework tab is also listed below.