
November 5-9


Environmental Educator, Stew Jenkins, will be here to help with a Filter Engineering Lab.

Focus Question: How do we clean dirty water?

Students will design and improve a water filter that will clean dirty water.


Wrap-up. Filter Engineering. Class will come up with one Filter that will improve on their team filter. We will build the filter and test it. Students will write a conclusion about their learning process and the improved filter.

Nov 12-16

Short days...

Moon whole class demonstration and notebooks.

Quiz/test on Earth and the Universe.

Nov 19-23 Thanksgiving Holiday. Be thankful

Nov 26-Nov 30

Begin our FOSS Matter Unit.

Guiding Question: What is matter and how do samples of matter interact?

Phenomenon: Elephant toothpaste demonstration

What do you know? Notice? Wonder? Class discussion and students notebooks.

Student Lab: Physical Properties of 3 substances (salt, powder, and gravel). We will be using these three substances to make mixtures and separate mixtures.

States of Matter Foldable.

Crash Course Kids. Located on Google Classroom.