TK-8 Virtual Summer School

Registration is closed.

Families will be notified on Wednesday, June 10th summer school acceptance.

For more information, please email your site principal or

TK-8 Summer School 2020 will be held virtually Monday-Thursday June 15th - July 16th.

What does the TK-8 Virtual Summer School look like?

SLUSD Summer Academy will offer 4 weeks of themed science and social studies units with integrated ELA, Math and ELD; as well as a bonus week of math enrichment programs the last week. Students will have daily synchronous and asynchronous activities. Daily synchronous lessons will be provided to develop content area skills both whole-group and in differentiated small-groups. In addition, students will have a daily choice of “offline tasks” to work on Monday-Thursday. The tasks will be planned around Reading, Writing, Speaking/Listening, and Vocabulary Development. Consistent daily schedules and learning routines will be implemented to optimize student learning and engagement.

What is a sample schedule?

Summer school will be held Monday - Thursday 9 am-12 pm. Students will engage in 40-60 minutes of daily synchronous lessons/activities with their teacher (whole-group and small-group). In addition, students will engage in 20 minutes of asynchronous designated ELD and 20 minutes of asynchronous math lessons. The remaining time will be dedicated to asynchronous learning (online and offline) to support student learning goals. Actually learning schedules with days and times of instruction will be sent out by your student’s teacher.

Technology needed for summer school?

Students will need access to the internet and a device (Chromebook, personal computer, or tablet). If you need a device please state on the registration form or contact your site principal.

Who should attend?

All students currently enrolled in SLUSD in TK - 8th grade are encouraged to apply. The summer school programs will be academically rigorous and engaging. Lessons and activities are designed to improve foundational skills and engage students in critical thinking and problem-solving skills. English Language Learners and students recommended for summer learning will be encouraged to apply.

Have more questions?

Please email your site principal or