Library Books

Frequently Asked Questions

book Return slot

Book Return slot located at the front entrance of BMS (main office entrance), open all hours

How long can I keep the book?

2 weeks - Chapter Books

1 week - Graphic novel, comic book, manga

What if I need extra time to finish my book(s)?

Bring your book to the library and library staff can renew it once.

What if I lose my book? :(

Don't panic. Remember the book is your responsibility so don't ignore a lost book.

Come to the library for help.

How many books can I check out?

A grand total of 3!

Students may check out 1 per class visit with teacher.

Note: Graphic novels, comic books, and manga are one at a time.

Can I place a book on hold?


Hold slips are located by the online catalog on the main circulation desk. Fill it out and give it to library staff.

Can I "hold" a book that's on the shelf?


Holds can be placed on books that are already CHECKED OUT by someone else.

What is the library's online catalog?

The catalog is where people can search for books in our library. It's like a search engine for our library.

What if I have more questions?

Talk to Ms. Kang or Ms. Charis. We are happy to help! :D