STAT/MATH1300 resources.f23

Link to an old 1300 course (kd)

Free online text for 1300  (Diez,et al) Free online textbook for teaching this course using r .The webpage includes many resources including labs to guide students through using R for most chapters,, R datasets for homework, slides, videos.  I highly recommend. (KD)

Free online statistics textbook by SLU's Clair and Speegle (this is geared towards a higher level but there are some good resources here, including the datasets)

An interesting article on what should be changed in STAT101.

Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education

A humorous video about the problem with p-values

What 1818 STAT 1300 students should know when they graduate.

Google drive Folder with resources for 1300, including a folder of exams and quizzes.


 (kd) Rtasks . A spreadsheet of most r commands. I have students copy and paste these commands into r and then modify them. I allow students to use these on a quiz or the r portion of an exam.

(kd) A spreadsheet of all confidence intervals and hypothesis tests we cover. For each it includes a place to enter the formula, the r code, an example. This is mostly filled out by students as a review.

Classnotes. These are mostly rmarkdowns. They have lecture notes and code snippets. They are designed to have students modify the code. They are organized around the chapters of Moore's Basic Practice of Statistics. You could modify these as you see fit. I have also included output from knitting these so you can see what they include in advance. I will sometimes mark up the output in class and move back and forth between that and using r. Some of these may require importing datasets. Those datasets are below.

chpt1. basic vectors-declaring, accessing, altering,View, table, pie, barplot 

word output for above rmd

classnotes 2 . chpt 1 summary: R code: hist, stem, plot, str, knitting

word output for above rmd

class notes: more graphs chpt 1. Summary: loading a file in an rmarkdown; restricting the dataset based on values of a variable; histograms; filter; stacked histogram

word output for above.

Classnotes4. chpt2. Summary, mean, sd, median, fivenum, boxplot, IQR, side-by-side boxplots

word output chpt 2

ch 3 classnotes : the normal distribution, basics, finding proportions between two values in a normal distribution, fitting and graphing a normal curve to data.

word output chpt 3

chapter 4. Scatter plots and correlation(notes) . 

Word output chpt 4

Regression (notes), chapter 5.

word output chpt 5

two-way tables-chapter 6 (notes). 

Word output chpt 6

Chapter 12: probability, 

word output from chpt 12

Chapter 13 .

word output for chpt 13

probability practice problems (This overlaps with the probability project.)

Chapter 14-binomial distribution

word output for chpt 14 (you'll want to add to this)

Chapter 15-notes, Here is the rmarkdown for all notes on CI's and hypothesis testing for means and proportions for one and two samples.

inference sample problems

Work on chi-square test rmarkdown for Chi-square, ANOVA

Example of chi-square and Anova applied to hospital compare data

Datasets (most to be used with r.) These can't be opened online unless it says it's a csv.

Here is the codebook or explanation for that dataset.

Here is the full csv dataset from which this was scrubbed. unicef datasets 

Notes (basic) on scrubbing the Unicef csv dataset

The basic indicator page is the one I used and then added regions to to give a valuable categorical variable.  I have had students in 1300 scrub other pages from this dataset and analyze their dataset as part of a group project. 

Here is the Unicef dataset page for updated data. This  is quite compelling data and works well in a social justice flavored stats course.

Here is the excel spreadsheet associated with this. Here is more communication about this:"Hi,  this link should have all the full names for the abbreviations on one of the spreadsheets. The other spreadsheet didn't open for me. PVE = partial volume estimation. I'm not sure what the fractional value of mv is. r.e., amyg: total = L + R volume, and avg = average L & R structures.

Is this a selected set from a larger spreadsheet? Incidentally, if you have plans for students to interpret (i.e., more than just ability to compute stats), for any volume metrics you'll need to first compute adjustment for relative size based on intracranial volume, otherwise your results may just show that people with bigger heads have larger volume structures (i.e., teens have larger structures than children and that boys/men have on average larger brain structures than girls/women due to proportional body size), but I'm guessing you were aiming for some comparison by diagnosis?  That's why I asked if this was part of a larger spreadsheet, which might include that total intracranial volume (abbreviated eTIV in freesurfer) so you could compute each structure volume as proportional to whole volume. "

Projects (usually done in groups of 3-5 and worked on in class for at least 50% completion)

Project1. This has the student using r for basic data visualization and analysis of their Unicef data set. They are also permitted to use an alternative dataset that they find. Students are encouraged to copy and modify code snippets from their rmarkdowns from class to complete this.(KD)

Project 2. Probablility  school kids picture       project

Final project (kd: I allowed students to replace part of their final exam with a group project)

Exams and Quizzes

Here is the folder of exams and quizzes as well as some rmd's for exams

Here is the folder of google quizzes. You can make copies of these and modify them as you want.