Call for Papers

The Philosophy Graduate Student Association of St Louis University invites you to submit for its annual graduate student philosophy conference. The theme of the Fall 2023 conference is Natural Theology. It will take place September 8th and 9th at St Louis University in St Louis, Missouri.

Keynote speakers for the conference will be William Lane Craig and Helen De Cruz.

The purpose of the conference is to support a diverse range of projects that fall under the broad scope of natural theology. We invite submissions that treat a variety of natural theological themes from a variety of religious (or non-religious) perspectives, including: historical arguments for or against the existence of God; novel, cutting edge arguments for or against the existence of God; the coherence of theism; the limits or failures of human inquiry about the divine; the success or failure of natural theological predication of divine attributes of God; defenses or critiques of particular premises in popular or lesser known arguments for or against God’s existence; etc.

Submission Info:

Submissions should be prepared for blind review. They should include a separate document that with your name, your institution/affiliation, and an abstract of your paper. (It will be helpful if your abstract includes a list of keywords relative to the topic of your paper.) The word limit for papers/submissions is 3500 words, and submissions should be suitable for a 25 minute presentation.

Deadline for submission is May 27th, 2023. If your paper is selected for the conference you will be notified two months later on July 1st. If your paper is selected, a student from St Louis University’s philosophy graduate department will be assigned to review your paper and provide feedback in advance of the conference.

Submissions and questions should be directed to: