Additional Documents

4/22 Lecture - The Problem of Evil

Seminar Avicenna 2020 The Problem of Evil HANDOUT.doc
Seminar Avicenna 2020 Problem of Evil Pasnau.doc

Handout for 4/15 Lecture - Providence


Documents for 4/8 Lecture - Divine Simplicity

Simplicity and Aquinas's Quantum Metaphysics HANDOUT 8-28-11 .doc
Simplicity and Aquinas's Quantum Metaphysics 2-19-13 .doc
Personal God HNDT 7-16-15.doc

Replacement Documents for 3/18 Seminar

Hong Kong 1 Aquinas and Ultimate Reality SHORT 6-13-17.pptx
Hong Kong 2 Ultimate Reality and God's Simplicity 6-13-17.pptx
Seminar Boethius and Aquinas HDNT principles of identity.doc
Seminar Boethius and Aquinas HNDT modes of being.doc

Seminar PowerPoint Presentations and Instructor Notes

Seminar Avicenna and Aquinas 2020 week 1 1-15-20.pptx

Please download the slideshow in order to see Prof. Stump's notes for each slide. To download, click the arrow in the top right corner of the slide to the left. A new page will load - click the downward pointing arrow at the top right of that new page to download. All instructor notes are in the white boxes in the notes section of PowerPoint.

Seminar Avicenna and Aquinas 2020 week 3 2-5-20.pptx
Seminar Avicenna and Aquinas 2020 week 6 2-19-20.pptx
Seminar Avicenna and Aquinas 2020 week 7 2-24-20.pptx
02-Principles of Nature.pdf

Avicenna's Natural Philosophy - Prof. McGinnis Outline and Notes

Optional Readings

Burrell_Aquinas and Jewish and Islamic Authors.doc

Burrell, David. "Aquinas and Jewish and Islamic Authors." In The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas. Editor with Brian Davies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Torrell_Life and Works.doc

Torrell, Jean-Pierre. "Life and Works." In The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas. Editor with Brian Davies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Stump_The Mechanisms of Cognition.doc

Stump, Eleonore. “Aquinas on the Mechanisms of Cognition: Sense and Phantasia.” In Medieval Analyses in Language and Cognition. Edited by Sten Ebbesen and Russell Friedman, 377-95. In the series Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Historisk-Filologiske Meddelelser 77. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1999.

Stump_Thomas Aquinas (Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy) (1998).doc

Stump, Eleonore. “Thomas Aquinas.” (with Norman Kretzmann) Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge Press, 1998.

Stump_Simplicity and Aquinas's Quantum Metaphysics (2016).pdf

Stump, Eleonore. “Simplicity and Aquinas’s Quantum Metaphysics.” In Die Metaphysik des Aristoteles im Mittelalter: Rezeption und Transformation. Edited by Gerhard Krieger, 191-210. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.


McGinnis, Jon. Avicenna. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.