Sustainability in Aviation

The aviation industry is looking forward to sustainable developments across the globe and constantly evolving to cater to the needs of the environment. Next-generation technology is a key to influence the environment, safety, and the economy. Many programs work toward creating innovative advancements to better support sustainability and reducing the environmental footprint through the use of alternative fuels. This paper highlights the current and future use of sustainable fuels as well as the feasibility of their use through costs and infrastructure needed for their production. It also discusses the use of electric aircraft and future developments for their utilization to help the airline industry turn away from fossil fuels. Along with sustainable fuels, the benefits and costs of electric aircraft are evaluated and current electric aircraft models are compared.

Peter Jacob

Peter Jacob is a senior Aeronautics student from Arlington, Virginia with a minor in human resource management. In his time at Saint Louis University, Peter earned his private pilot’s license, instrument rating, commercial aircraft single engine license, commercial multi engine license as well as his certified flight instructor and advanced ground instructor ratings. He currently works as a certified flight instructor at Saint Louis Flight training in Cahokia, Illinois. After graduation, he plans on flying for a commercial airline, as well as working as a recruiter.

Colton Henning

Colton Henning is a full-time employee for ITS at SLU and an Aeronautics (flight science concentration) student with a minor in IT management. He was originally born in Hanoi, Vietnam, and was raised in St. Louis, Missouri. During his time at Parks College, he has received a private pilot’s license, commercial pilot’s license, and an instrument rating. He accepted a position as a Technologist in late 2019 for SLU ITS, and he continues to work there today. After graduation, he plans to become a systems engineer with SLU ITS and gain additional flying hours with the hopes of flying for corporations or airlines. His main interests are aviation, computers, and IT management.

Tyler Boggiano

Tyler Boggiano is a senior Aeronautics student concentrating in Aviation Management and minoring in International Business. He is from Austin, Texas and currently splits his time between St. Louis, Missouri where he attends college at SLU and Durango, Colorado where his family lives. Through his studies, he has learned about the inner workings of the aviation industry from the business side of things as well as business operations around the world. After graduation, he will be attending graduate school to get a master’s degree in Air Transport Planning and Management from the University of Westminster located in London, United Kingdom.

Grace Kane

Grace Kane is an Aeronautics student from West Bloomfield, Michigan concentrating her studies in flight science. Through her education at Parks College, she obtained her instrument rating and commercial certificate for single and multi-engine aircraft. After graduation, she aspires to gain experience flying as a flight instructor before assuming a position as a corporate pilot. Her interests in the aviation discipline include aviation safety, effective leadership and communication, mentorship, and sustainability.

Riya Srambichira

Riya Srambichira is a senior Aeronautics major and International Business minor, from Houston, TX. Riya is an instrument-rated commercial pilot working on her multi engine rating. She currently works as a Flight Operations Quality Assurance analyst at GoJet Airlines. After graduation, she plans to earn her flight instructor certificate and build time instructing. Her goal is to eventually fly for the airlines. Riya is passionate about aviation safety, and sustainability.

The group would like to thank Dr. Terry Kelly for their support of this project.