Educating at a Distance

Considerations while Planning for Educating at a Distance

Prepare Now

Make sure students know how to independently log into online resources. Create or modify step-by-step directions. Provide time for students to practice using different platforms.

Create Emergency Go Home Materials. Compile resources (pens, crayons, Chromebooks, etc. ) that students will need during an extended absence. Include all “how to” directions for online resources.

Ensure devices are ready for at home use.

If you don't have enough devices for 1-1, can you consider 1-1 for a family?

Extend Current Classroom Practices

Identify current daily routines that can be continued at home. Independent reading, independent writing, conferencing, read-alouds, science labs (conducted virtually) and i-Ready lessons are examples of routines that can be used off-site that will be familiar to students.

Consider using technology and non-tech learning experiences that will be engaging to students.

Keep It Simple

Now is not the time to begin using new technologies. Use technologies that students can use independently and are familiar with.

Plan for at home instructional time that is reasonable. For example, expecting students to complete 6 hours of instruction during the day may not be reasonable for a 3rd grader.

How Will You Be Available to Students

If you can, offer a place for students to connect with you and/or one another to chat. Zoom and Goggle Meet allow users to connect with video or by phone.

Can you provide "office hours" for students or their parents to check in?

Consider the Purpose of Instruction

While students are working from home it is recommended to identify skills and knowledge you wish to retain. Once you and the students are comfortable with remote learning find ways to have students extend their learning.

Perfection Vs Good Enough

Teaching at a distance will be new for most teachers. Put together a plan for instruction that is realistic for you and your students. While some teachers may be proficient in large variety of digital tools, others may be comfortable with fewer. Use the resources for which you and your students will be most comfortable and most productive.