Moraine Music
Welcome to Music at Moraine!
We're gearing up for another memorable and musical year at Moraine Elementary! I can't wait to get back into the swing of things with singing and dancing and music making!
As we head into the 2024 - 2025 school year, I'd like to touch base on a few important items of interest!
We'll be sticking with a similar concert format that we utilized in the '23-'24 school year! Kindergarten, First, and Second grades will be performing winter conerts and 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will be having their annual spring performance. Check out the 'Concerts' tab for more information regarding dates!
5th Grade Band
Instrument Selection for our current 5th grade students will be held as an evening event this fall. Students interested in trying out the instruments of the band can set up a one on one Instrument Selection appointment with our vendors from Volkwein's Music! Instrument Selection will be taking place in the Moraine Elementary Cafeteria -- check back for our Official Selection Date!. Please see the '5th Grade Band' tab for further information regarding our Beginning Band program!
Google Classroom
Don't forget to make sure that you're linked up with your grade-specific Google Classroom for Music Class! You'll be able to check into your Google Classroom throughout the year for updates on what we're doing in music class, Concert practice tracks, FID Day assignments, and extra fun!
Grade-Level specific codes are as follows:
Kindergarten - z7dklus
First Grade - isrd27t
Second Grade - x4dukmq
Third Grade - ypfjo2c
Fourth Grade - 2xhzyqk
Fifth Grade - vhti2mo
Fifth Grade Band - ejurevp