How it works

How to Create a Correct Task

SlickGantt will create a task for each row in your sheet that respects all these 4 conditions:

  • There is a value in the column specified for the Task ID (=not empty)

  • There is a value in the cell specified for the Task Name

  • There is a valid date in the cell specified for the Starting Date

  • There is a valid date in the cell specified for the End Date

If one of these conditions is not true the row will be skipped and you will not see the task in the gantt

Task ID Field

The task ID field must contain a unique identifier for the task. Having more than one task with the same ID will create issues in the visualization, the graphical interaction with the task (e.g. dragging actions) and in the value updates.

Note that the character " , " is going to be ignored.

TIP: use something like "Task 1" or something else you can remember (avoid long alphanumeric strings): you'll need the ID if you want to setup some dependencies

Progress Field

The field with the progress information must be in "Percent" format. If the value is expressed in integers (a number between 1 - 100) all your tasks will look like completed and the value of the field will be reset to a percentage (number between 0 - 1)

Dependency Field

You can set a dependency between two (or more) different tasks. This is very useful if you want to quickly update the date for a block of tasks when one of them (they depend on) is late.

To setup a dependency for a task you will add in the field specified for dependencies the Task ID of the task it depends on.

A task can depend on more than one task: in that case you can add multiple task IDs separated by a comma "," (e.g. "Task1,Task2")

The image below shows an example of a situation where Task 8 depends on Task 7:

Task Type (Main, Sub, Milestone)

In a project there are activities that are grouped together in phases or sprints. You typically want these tasks to be easily identifiable with a color code.

You can specify the type of task using the column "Task Type". It accepts 3 possible values:

  • Main Task: being this is the main task, it will take a different color from the task before it.

  • Sub Task: it's a task depending from the previous available Main task. It will inherit the same color of the previous Main Task

  • Milestone: this activity will be marked with a strong red color, to differentiate it from the rest of the tasks

If the Task Type field is empty, the task will use the standard color (gray)


The resources field accepts names of your resources separated by a comma. E.g. "Agnes,John".

Note that you should not add spaces between the comma and the next name.

Working on Multiple Sheets in the Same Spreadsheet

You can configure SlickGantt on several sheets in the same spreadsheet: in the Configuration page you will be able to select the sheet you want to use and the right columns in that sheet.

Note that SlickGantt will remember the name of the columns you used in another sheet within the same spreadsheet and it will propose you the columns with the same name: if you want to use something different you need to explicitly change it.