3rd Grade PE!

  • April/May/June
  • Scoops
  • Frisbee
  • Track & Field
  • Favorite Games!

Physical Education Standards:

Aerobic Capacity:

3.3 Participate three to four times a week, for increasing periods of time, in continuous moderate to vigorous activities that require sustained movement of the large-muscle groups to increase breathing and heart rate.

3.7 Sustain continuous movement for increasing periods of time while participating in moderate to vigorous physical activity.

4.7 Describe relationship between the heart, lungs, muscles, blood, and oxygen during physical activity.

Group Dynamics:

5.4 Use appropriate cues for movement and positive words of encouragement while coaching others in physical activities.

5.5 Demonstrate respect for individual differences in physical abilities.

5.6 Work in pairs or small groups to achieve an agreed upon goal.