Welcome to Ms. Lincoln's Page


I started at Laguna Middle School when I was 25 and I have worked here for my entire teaching career! I have two wonderful children, Marshall and Mandie, who are pursuing dreams of their own. My daughter followed in my footsteps and is teaching science in a local school district and my son is living his dream of working abroad! My passions include spending time with friends and family, hiking, and traveling abroad, especially to Italy. I am extremely thankful to have a career that I love so much!

I am always available to students and parents through my email blincoln@slcusd.org or at (805) 596-4055 ext. 21118.

My Current Class Schedule


7th Grade World History


7th Grade World History


7th Grade World History


7th Grade World History


7th Grade World History


8th Grade AVID

Ms. Lincoln’s Virtual 7th Grade World History Class

Laguna Middle School


Textbooks (digital only)

National Geographic - World History - Medieval to Early Modern Times

Course Description

Students will be focusing upon the period from approximately 476 -1500 CE.

Students will recognize the interrelatedness of geography, economics, culture, belief systems, and political systems within history. They will develop an appreciation of the multicultural and multiethnic dimension of our society and the contributions made by groups within the scope of study. Students will strive to improve their reading, writing, research, organization and preparation skills. We will be studying the Roman Empire, Medieval Europe, the Renaissance, China, Japan, Islam, Africa and the Maya, Aztec and Inca Empires.

Methods of Assessment

Grading will be based on written assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, homework assignments, and class participation. Students can check their grades online at any time using Aeries. Parents can do the same. I grade on a straight percentage.

90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D 59-0%=F

Homework/Makeup Work

Homework will be completed during the 30 minute block which is assigned the day we meet virtually as a class. All homework assignments will be limited to those 30 minutes. Late work will not be accepted. Students with an excused absence will be given one day per absence to make up work. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what was missed from my Google Classroom. I do not give extra credit.

Student Expectations

Students are responsible for coming to class every day prepared with their chromebooks or computers. Students will access their work through Google Classroom. Students are expected to arrive on time and participate in our Breakout Room discussions. Students are to be kind and respectful, no differently than if we were in the physical classroom.

To succeed in this class, I expect you to take an active role in your learning. This means asking questions, working with one another, trying even if you may not succeed, and taking responsibility for your own success.

Check your grade on Aeries often and communicate with your teacher regularly about your grade.

Can I use my cellphone for my school work?

The short answer is NO!

While cell phones can be a very useful tool in today's high-tech world, online learning is NOT the appropriate place to be using your device unless otherwise specified by your teacher. In addition, cell phones must be put away during live online classes.

Please email me with any questions or concerns at blincoln@slcusd.org.