
Teacher List


Junior Forms




Attitude and Values:

Senior Forms



Attitude and Values

Curriculum Framework

Junior Forms

Secondary 1

First Term

1.1 What's History

1.2 Ancient Civilizations

1.3 The Nile Valley Civilization 1

1.4 The Nile Valley Civilization 2

1.5 The Nile Valley Civilization 3

4.1 Major dialect groups of HK: Boat peopel and FuKlos

4.2 Major dialect groups of HK: Cantonese and Hakka

4.3 Intangible Cultural Heritage

Second Term

2.1 Division of European History

2.2 Ancient Greco-Roman Civilization (1): Athens and Sparta

2.3 ancient Greco-Roman Civilization (2): Great leaders

2.4 Legacy of Ancient Greco-Roman Civlization (1) Cultural apects

2.5 Legacy of Ancient Greco-Roman Civilzation (2) Architecture

2.6 The feudal system

2.7 Christendom

3.1 The birth and development of Islam

3.2 Legacy of Islamic civlization 

3.3 Islam in modern world: Ramadan & terrorist movement

3.4 Islam in modern world: Clothing

Secondary 2

First Term

5.1 Renaissance

5.2 Reformation

5.3 The Scientific Revolution and Industrial Revolution

5.4 Impact of Industrial Revolution 1

5.5 Impact of Industrial Revolution 2 

5.6 Enlightenment

5.7 Causes of French Revolution

5.8 Rise of nationalism and liberalism

Second Term

6.1 Early European colonial expansion

6.2 Late European colonial expansion

8.1 Establishment of British rule in Hong Kong

8.2 Socio-economic development of Hong Kong in the late 19th century

8.3 Charity groups and ethnic miinorities in Hong Kong

6.3 Impact of colonial expansion

7.1 The American Revolution

7.2 Territorial expansion and the development of the USA in the 19th century

7.3 The American Civil War

Secondary 3

First Term

9.1 European relations in the early 20th century

9.2 Balkan Crises and the outbreak of the First World War

9.3 Problems of the Paris Peace Settlements and the rise of totalitarianism

9.4 Appeasement policy and the outbreak of the Second World War

9.5 Course and result of the Second World War

11.1 The foundation of the UN

10.1 Arab-Israeli conflicts

9.6 Decolonialization 

Second Term

10.2  What is the Cold War

10.3 Causes of the Cold War

10.4 Berlin Crises

10.5 Cuban Missiles Crisis

10.6 The Detente

10.7 End of the Cold War

10.8 International situation in the post-Cold War period

10.9 Great Leaders of the 20th century

12.1 Japanese Occupation in Hong Kong

12.2 Hong Kong in the 1950s-60s

12.3 Hong Kong in the 1970s 

12.4 Hong Kong in the 1980s-90s

Senior Forms

Theme A: Modernization and Transformation in 20th century Asia

Theme B: Conflicts & Cooperation in the 20th-Century World

History Field Studies 

S1 Ho Sheung Heung Hau's Village 河上鄉考察

S2 & Senior Forms Central and Western District 中西區考察

S2-S5  Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance 大坑舞火龍

S3 Shek Kip Mei & Sham Shui Po (would be held at April-May 2024)