CLUB LMC Roster 2022-23

Beckwith, Aden

Daley, Keaton

Damour, Colden

Evans, Alex

Fletcher, Liam

Hochwald, Tyler

Kidder, Nate

McKay, Nate (President)

Randolph, Legend (DnD Leader)

Ransom, Katie (Secretary)

Schenk, Elijah (Vice President)

Seleni, Jonah

Swinyer-Chruchill, Darrin

Symonds, Rione

Thurston, Bali (Treasurer)

Todd, Kaylin

Waters, Jack

Seth Putnam - Club LMC Adviser

Please visit the new beta MAKER Page!

Also available:

Club LMC Programming Resources Page!

The SLHS CLUB LMC is a safe atmosphere to explore opportunities available in the Saranac Lake High School Library Media Center. Focal Points and Goals are determined by the students in the club including Emerging Technologies and Innovation such as computer coding, game design, robotics, as well as video production. Club outreach ranges from Saranac Lake Central School Elementary, Middle School, and High School students as well as local Senior Citizens.

Students and parents are welcome to contact me at: