The Age of Exploration

Social, economic, and scientific improvements helped European nations launch an Age of Exploration.

(New York State Social Studies Framework)

7.2.1 The Age of Exploration Close Read

Students will use close reading skills to learn about and evaluate the varied impacts of the Age of Exploration.

Source: Briney, Amanda. “Discover the Age of Exploration.” Thoughtco., Dotdash,
7.2.1 Age of Exploration Close Reading Activity
7.2.2 Age of Exploration - Map Activity

7.2.2 Age of Exploration Map Activity

Students will use a variety of maps and other resources to map out the routes & describe the accomplishments of European explorers during the Age of Exploration.

Sources: Various sources. See links in slides.

7.2.3 Columbus Sails West

Students Will Be Able To:

  • Identify three primary motives for European exploration
  • Analyze excerpts from CC’s journal to determine CC’s purpose for exploration and view of Natives he encountered
Sources: Various sources. See individual excerpts.
7.2.3 Columbus Sails West
7.2.4 What's For Dinner - The Columbian Exchange

7.2.4 What's for Dinner? - The Columbian Exchange.

Students Will Be Able To:

  • Identify the origins of foods used in their favorite meal.
  • Describe the Columbian Exchange

6 Early Ways Humans Navigated the Oceans

Navigating the oceans was possible prior to the Age of Exploration, however, it was far more difficult. Several of the inventions included in this list of ways to navigate the oceans were hugely influential in helping to bring about the Age of Exploration.