The Curriculum

The school has developed a curriculum adapting the National Curriculum for our students. This is used to produce our own long term plans and progression documents, or in selecting the examination units to be followed by our older students. 

All pupils at Slated Row School have Education, Health and Care Plans. These are used to ensure the pupils are kept at the centre of their learning. 

To ensure we meet the learning needs of all our students our curriculum is designed into learning routes.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) has a one year programme for pupils in Reception. The curriculum from Year 1 on has been constructed with routes to ensure that the curriculum is relevant to students and the level at which they are working at. The routes are:

Key Route: The Semi-Formal Route is followed by students in classes that have a lower starting point on the SRS Curriculum. These are usually following a highly structured approach to learning. Generally these are our students in our Sensory, Structured or Personal classes.

Accelerated Route: The Formal Route is for those with higher starting points within the SRS Curriculum and are usually following a more traditional approach to learning. Generally these are our students in Scaffold or Employability classes.

Please use the contents to the right of the page to go each subject for more information. For further information please contact me via the school office on 01908 316 017 or 

Mr J. Austin, Curriculum Lead

"The school made significant changes to the curriculum last year. It has been redesigned so the important knowledge that pupils need to learn in each subject is broken down into small, well-sequenced steps. The curriculum is now ambitious for all pupils. There are clear pathways that aim to match the needs of pupils as outlined in their education, health and care plans." Ofsted 2023

SRS Curriculum Presentation


Pathways to learning

Our pathways identify environmental & approaches to learning to match the needs of our students.  

Curriculum interventions

We offer a range of 1:1 or small group work that focus on: 


The school has a number of staff trained with specialisms in areas of the curriculum or SEND. These staff support the development of individualised approaches identified young people. 

We also access the Educational Psychology Team at Milton Keynes Council. Some elements are picked up through statutory work on Education, Health & Care Plans and we have some school commissioned time, which we direct, through our provision meetings. 

The Arts


Pupils should work through the Essential Letters and Sounds Programme. The main teaching input for phonics should be tailored to the children, therefore if a child is not on the same phase as the others, or there are groups at different phases, it is important that they have the key teaching input at the correct level. This is achieved through grouping across departments or through the Teaching Assistants in class groups. The teacher is expected to work with each group/individual through the week. 



Physical Education

The PE Curriculum

Physical education is experienced in a safe and supportive environment at Slated Row. It is vital and unique in its contribution to our students' physical and emotional development and health.  

The physical education curriculum aims to increase students' fundamental skills. This contributes to increasing their self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations.

We offer leadership, examination and community leisure experiences as students move through the school. 


Swimming is an important skill and through a DfE funded swim project our staff developed a School Inclusion CPD with Swim England, which is currently being accredited.  The staff at Slated Row and our federated school, The Walnuts, benefitted from the pilot of this training. For more information & to get involved, see the  links below

At Slated Row we see physical development and participation in sports an essential element of our curriculum, and pupils futures. As a Lead Inclusion School for the Youth Sports Trust we are able to ensure a rich curriculum for our own pupils, through expert staff, accessing further opportunities and being on the forefront of PE developments for pupils with SEND. 

We look to support other schools through our work with the Youth Sports Trust and taking part in national projects. 

L. Byrne, Youth Sports Trust Lead


