The Cause

Here's The Problem...

Gender inequality is a large influence in society and it influences many of the choices we make in the future. Gender norms are placed upon genders. If you are female, you are thought as delicate, nurturing and feminine. If you are male, you are thought as competitive, responsible for economic tasks, and masculine. Because of this, most people believe it is wrong for a man to be a nurse or a woman to be a construction worker. Women aren't given equal pay or equal rights, and to this day, although things have changed for the better, it's still around, and affecting many women and girls around the world.

Social media greatly spread these ideas in things such as advertisements, for example, women usually are presented in promoting cleaning products or beauty products, especially. Magazines represent women in a feminine way in their style of clothing, and the same goes to men

Life at home is also influenced by gender equality. Women usually do most of the housework and childcare, while the men bring home most of the financial commodities. Even if women do work part or full-time, they still do most of the house work. In terms of raising kids, girls are treated femininely and boys, masculinely. They are given toys based on genders, like doll for girls, and cars for boys.


  • Women only make up about 80% of what men make in the workforce
  • In 2014, women with full-time jobs earned about 17% less than men
  • Based on the map on the left, Africa has the most area where women are treated very unequally
  • +150 countries around the world have at least one actively sexist law
  • Every minute, 28 girls are married before they are ready
  • There were only 21 female heads of state in the the entire world in 2015- that means just one per century!