Adair Lopez's Digital Portfolio

"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring."-David Bowie

Sound Story Project

This is my sound story challenge project I titled "Any Other Day". Our challenge was to create a story using only sounds and later adding in images that coincided with the story using FinalCut Editor. This story follows a normal man following his usual daily routine. Everything is seemingly fine and nothing out of the ordinary. The man then pulls his phone out to send a quick text and loses control of his auto mobile. The title "Any Other Day" was used to show that something like this can happen at any time. Never use your phone while driving. Anything can happen.

Cloning Mrs. Farley

This is the atrocious result of me trying to duplicate Mrs. Farley in Photoshop using the "Clone Stamp" tool. You don't stand a chance against my army of Cheryls.

3d Character Model

The 3d model project was an attempt to recreate myself in as a 3d character. Honestly, I just made a biker. I have no idea why I made it look like this. Doesn't even look like me but whatever i guess.