
First photoshop

My first time using photoshop. As you can see, i put myself in a nightfall place.

Mrs. Farley Photoshop

Second time using photoshop. You can see that its a photo of Mrs. Farley and I put four squirrels, colored the floor and wall a bit, gave her pants, a smiley shirt from the back and black hair

Color Adjustment with adjustment layers

This is a picture of a leaf that I adjust. A adjustment layer is adding color to your image with tonal adjustments without any pixel interference. Histogram changes the lighting of the image without any trouble of putting your own lighting during taking a picture


This is a typography assignment i did, many different kinds of fonts here like, serif, sans serif, script, etc. There are fonts that you should avoid like hobo, papyrus comic sans, etc, because they are outdated. you can use tight lines, you can use kerning which has spaces between a word and it is very helpful whether you are trying to show viewers something important