First Date

This is our Voice and Choice short film :) We had an idea to make a short horror-esc film based around men crossing lines on the first date. In this video, the man starts over sexualizing the woman and making her uncomfortable. When she decides to leave, he follows her home. But, what happens next?

Broadcasting Video

This is our broadcast video for voice and choice :) We went over and showed our three favorite videos! Hoedown, Navidad En Mexico, and Dear Caleb. These are all awesome videos that display the humor and talent of our friends. I hope you enjoy.

Autobiographical Poem

This is my autobiographical "poem."

I took my poem and turned it into a song that took WAY too long to record. Though I will say that I am kind of proud of the finished result. I think it shows way more of me than I expected when we were first starting this project.

To sum it up, I took a bunch of childhood videos and brought them into Final Cut, and attached my song. At the end, I used more recent clips to help tell the story inside of my song.

(That is excluding one of the most embarrassing clips of my life at the very end)

I hope you enjoy :)

One of My Covers :)

Another One of My Covers :)


This is my montage. I edited it using Final Cut with clips of me and some of my closest friends being stupid. It might look a little ridiculous but watching it makes me really happy.

A brief summary: Liam annoys me, I put him on my back, he annoys me more, I run away, then I put a cone on my head.

Disappearing Act

In this super cool series of clips, I used final cut pro and it's special affects to make my best friend in the whole world pull a disappearing act.

Sound Story

This is my sound story. It was my first ever Multimedia assignment, and it sucks a little bit. But its okay, I'll just avoid watching it. I used Final Cut Pro to merge the random google pictures together and Garage Band to create the sUpEr cOol aUdiO ;)