Schedule Problem


Imagine waking up early in the morning, waking up tired and all the problems you have to deal with for school comes rushing in. You think to yourself "Did I do my homework?" or "Do I have enough time to eat breakfast today?" Waking up early isn't easy at all and then to add up to this we have homework, some students have to get to school by 7:00, and we also have things in our lives that we have to deal with. So for this project we asked a couple of people about how they feel about the new schedule which is called a "block schedule" where we spend almost 2 hours in a classroom and also school starting at 7:10 for students that has band and 8:10 for students in general. Last year our schedule was 8:25-3:00, now it is 8:10-3:10. I get it that they're trying to extend our education, but hearing from other people's opinion it didn't make a big impact. Instead they're more stressed than ever.

On the left, you can sign this petition to give us your opinions!

Here are the two main schedule.