About Us


I am a sophomore in an academy called slam (San Leandro academy of multimedia) on top of that I am a varsity cheer leader and a Star Wars fanatic/Geek in general . My favorite actor at the moment is Adam Diver (most commonly known as Kylo Ren). I find his story inspiring how he went from being a marine to a well known actor. My hobbies include annoying my friends with random questions , watching weird movies in bed, and procrastinating. Personally Alcohol abuse dose not affect my life directly, although it does affect some of the people around me.


I am also in SLAM. I have been around alcohol abuse my whole life and decided to do something about it with everybody else in the group. I have 3 (and one on the way) siblings that help me get thought everything and i am so grateful for them. I love music and singing, oh and playing instruments as well.


I am a sophomore in an academy called slam. Slam is a multimedia class at a high school. slam helps me expand my creativity on alot of levels, it helps me expand the range of art i can show to the people. while giving me experience with computer editing, that i can use in futuer career!!!!

Moises T.

I am a sophomore in the slam academy, I have seen many people drinking alcohol. I have been scared for them as I watched them drunk driving to their homes. HELP LYNN'S TURTLE CULT IS OUT TO KILL ME AND SACRIFICE ME TO THE SEA

Gay or European?

Alcohol is bad it can makes you very drunk that is how you die.

"Join my turtle cult we have lots of hat" - Lynn