Who am I?

Please find below all the teaching resources for our "Who am I?" Slade Kids series. (A Faith in Kids Series)

WHO AM I? (Slade Kids Teaching Material - Spring Term 2023)

This February we're starting an exciting new series at Slade Kids. We'll be diving into the bible to think about "who we are." There's a lot of confusion about identity currently and we want to point our kids to what God has to say. We'll be using some material designed by "Faith in Kids", a Christian organisation looking to resource families and churches. Most of this material covers what you might call the "Doctrine of Humanity." A key part of our understanding of what the Bible says about people.

"WHO AM I? How would you answer that question? You would start with your name. Maybe your marital status. Your job. You might say if you had children. If there was still an awkward silence, you might fill it with listing your hobbies. Would you then blurt out, ‘I’m a Christian’? How would the children in your church answer that question? Do you think that their answers should be different from their unbelieving friends’ answers? Can the Bible really tell us the answer to our defining question?

The spirit of our age tells our children they can create their identity. They can decide who they are. They can be whoever they want to be. According to the world, ‘If I feel it, it’s true’. They are the masters of their future, they are told.

‘Who am I?’ is a Sunday School resource giving children the Bible’s answer to the question. From three-year-olds upwards, your children will discover from the Bible that their true identity is in Christ."

(Excerpt from Faith in Kids Training Material).